Hyderabad. (Deccan). Estd. nth Oct. 1904.
The Hyderabad ( Dn. ). Brahma Samaj, Station Road, Hyderabad, (Deccan ). Secretary—Mr. M. Govinda Rajulu Naidu, M. B. C. M., (Edin.), Surgeon, Imperial Service Troops, &c., Station Road, Hyderabad ( Deccan).
Members— Men 8.
Women 6. = 24.
Children 10.
Meetings—One meeting a week in English generally—but — sometimes in Hindi or Marathi.
Mandir—There is no Mandir.
Lay Preachers and Workers.
1. Mrs. M. G. Naidu.
2. Mr. V. R. Srikhande.
3. Mr. Janakiramaya Naidu.
4. Dr. M. G. Naidu.
Hyderabad (Sind). Estd. 1868.
The Hyderabad ( Sind ) Brahma Samaj, Hyderabad ( Sind ).
Secretary—Mr. Pribhdas S. Adwani, Manager. Navavidyar laya High School. Hyderabad ( Sind ).
Members--50 = Forming 12 families out of which the heads of 6 families have been Initiated.
Meetings.—Congregational service is held in the Mandir every Sunday morning, family service every Friday. Kirtan on Saturday Mornings. All Meetings and services are generally conducted in Sindhi.
Mandir—There is a separate place of worship opened on 3rd September 1875.
Lay Preachers- = 1 Diwan Kouramal
2 Diwan Tahilram.
Organs—The ‘ Sat Dharma’ a Sindhi Monthly Journal edited by Diwan Tahilram Lilaram, Shivdasair, Agent, Peoples’ Bank, Sind.
Funds.—No definite rule for payment of subscription. Members pay liberally towards the expense of the Samaj. The Mission fund amounting to about Rs. 300 is deposited in the Peoples’ Bank, Hyderabad Branch. Besides there is a reserve fund of Rsi 500, the interest of which is to be utilised in purchasing every year new-books for the Brahma Samaj Library.
Institutions.— (1) The Bhagats. ( Mandali of enthusiastic Singers).
(2) Nava Vidyalaya.
(3) Hiranand Academy.
(4) The Library.
(5) The band of Hope (Temperance Association.).
(6) Social League (Reform Association).
Celebrations.—The anniversary falls in about September the principal day being the 3rd Sunday of September.
The peculiar item of the anniversary is the initiation of new members on a particular day.
The Hyderabad Brahma Samaj was started in about 1868. It was then known by the name of “ Sikh Sabha”. A few friends met almost every night, when they sang Bhajans, ( hymns ) offered prayers and reoited Kathas (religious stories). The whole movement had then no definite organization, till Diwan Navalrai, who after his personal contact with the great leader of the Brahma Samaj of India—Babu Keshub Chunder Sen—joined formally the Church of Universal Theism, and put a new life into it. A site measuring about 28,000 sq. ft. to the north of the town near the old jail (now the Civil Hospital) was secured, from the local Municipality free of any charges. A decent place of worship which is called the Brahma Mandir ( Temple of God ) was built thereon and was opened to the monotheistic public, who worship God in spirit and truth, on the 3rd Sunday of September 1875. The day of opening the Mandir is observed every year. Congregational services are held therein every Sunday for about 2 hours in the morning. There are just now about 12 Brahma families in the town. The Poor Relief Fund, the Band of Hope ( Roys' Temperance Association ) and the Social League ( Reform Association) are some of the institutions that have been started under the auspices of the Hyderabad Brahma Samaj. The Nava Vidyalaya and the Navalrai Hiranand Academy the two great Educational Institutions in Hyderabad owe their origin to the influence of the Brahma Samaj.