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Lucknow.           U. P.
(2) Lucknow Sadharan Brahma Samaj, Lucknow.
Secretary.—Babu Sudhir Kumar Lahiri, Asstt. Editor, Ad­vocate, Lucknow.
Meetings.—Divine service is held every Sunday . at the house of Mr. A. P. Sen, Bar-at-law.

Quetta.       (Beluchistan.)         Estd. 1883.

Sadharan Brahma Samaj. Quetta
President.—Divan Jamiatrai.
Secretary.—Bhai Ramkishen.
Meetings. —Divine Scrvice once a week in Urdu held in the Mandir.
Ramnagar.       (Dist. Gujeranwala, Punjab).    Estd. 1911.
Ramnagar Prayer Meeting, Ramnagar.
Secretary.—Dr. Uttamchand.
Meetings.— Once a week in Urdu.

            Punjab.      Estd. Sept. 1895.

Sadharan Brahma Samaj, Rawalpindi City.
Secretary.—Lala Uttamchand, Rawalpindi.
Members.—Three Anusthanic members and six sympathisers.
Meetings.—Divine service once a week in Urdu. 
Mandir.-- There is a Mandir consecrated in March 1912.
Minister.—Bhai Beharilal Vasudev.

Slalkot.    Punjab.       Estd- 28th August 1910.
Sadharan Brahma Samaj, Sialkot City,
Secretary.—Bhai Sita Ram, Brahma worker, Silalkot City.   

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Lucknow.       (U. P.)      Estd. October 1868.
(I)   Ajodhya New Dispensation Brahma Samaj, Lucknow.
Secretary.—Babu Bhuban Mohan Ray, Aminabad.
Mandir.—The spacious Mandir is situated at Jhas-tal-ka-Pul The foundation stone was laid by the late Acharya Keshab Chandra Sen. It was opened on Saturday the 25th Not. 1882 with a public declaration by the late Rev. Bhai Protap Chandra Mozumdar (Vide Lucknow “Express,” 2nd Dec. 1882).
Congregation.—After the Second schism the congregation of the Ajodhya Brahma Mandir did not desert either "Keshab or the mother-church the Brahma Samaj of India but had been loyal all along to the Acharya and the ideal of the Ntiw Dispensation as expressive of the highest developed phase ol the religion of the Brahma Samaj (The substance of its spirit and principles being indicated in the booklet, Nava-Sanhita or new laws of Life.)
Members.—There are eleven subscribing members of the congregation to be controlled and managed by an Exe­cutive committee but the strength Of the Samaj consists of 43 souls including women and children. The congregation is represented in the general Council of the Brahma Samaj of India by Dr. Binoy Bhusan Bose L. H. Ms.
Meetings—The weekly Upasana is held every Sunday evening usually in Bengali. As opportunity and occasion allows arrangements for Hindi Service are also made. For the present no meeting of the young men’s theistic brotherhood is held.
Funds.—Among the trusts created by the late Bisso Nath Ray are Rs. 2,000 made over to B. Gopal Chandra Ghosh (now succeeded by Binoy Bhusan Ghosh, B. A.) Bhuban Mohan Ray, Bipin Mohan Sehanavis and the Secretary Brahma Samaj of India in trust to spend the income of the above fund for the propagation of the tenets of Brahmaism according to the principles of the new dispensation church in Oudh and also a beqaeathment of Rs. 500 income of whioh is to be paid yearly or half-yearly to the Manager Brahma Mission Fund New Dispensation Church, Calcutta,(Vide Bu Ray’s last will and testament with its 3rd codicil-). The Samaj also gets Rs. 36 annually in the shape of monthly subscription and an annual anniversary grant of Rs. 14 for charity to the poor from Bu Ray’s endowment fund. Besides the minimum monthly subscription is annas four.
Missionaries.—The apostles and missionaries of the Brahma Samaj of India are invited annually to stay here usually from 3 to 5 months and do the work in connection of the Samaj. They are recognised as Ex. Officio members of the Samaj.
Tracts.—Whenever tho funds permit Urdu and Hindi' pamphlets explaining the spirit and pninciples of the. New Dispensation are published and distributed free.
Library.—There is a library attached to the Samaj. It was started by purchasing some vory valuable books of the late Bissonath Ray. It now contains over 200 tooks. Arrangements have recently been made for a prayer meet­ing every Sunday morning at Mr. A. P. Sen’s house which some of the Brahma's join regularly. Altogether 10 Brahma marriages have been celebrated in the city, all of them being registered under Act III.
(The above information was received from Mr.N.N. Ray for Mr. B. M. Ray, Secretary Of the Ajodliya New Dispensation Brahma Samaj, in June 1012.)

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Lahore.    Estd. 1863,
The Punjab Brahma Samaj, Hospital Road. Anarkali, Lahore.
This is a neutral Samaj. Here all sections unite in divine service in the Mandir. Missionaries of all sections are invited. The two sections of the Sadharan Brahma Samaj and the New Dispensation have separate work of their own under iudependant organisations. The present Managing Committee of the Punjab Brahma Samaj consists of the following members.
President—Babu A. C. Majumdar.
Secretary.—Lala Kashi Ram.
Asstt. Secretaries.   = Babu B.B.Ghose.
Dr. V. Sukhatankar.

Bhai Prakash Dev.
Lala Dharamdas Suri
" Chunilal.

" Lajpatrai Sahni.
" Raghuaath Sahai.
Members.—There are 40 registered members and 15 sympa­thisers.
Mandir.—The service is held in the evening on Sundays. Aver­age attendance 50 to 60. There is a Mandir with an Ashram at the back for Missionaries. The widow of the late Bhai Sundar Singh with her son now occupies this place.
Funds.—The contributions from members and sympathisers amount to Rs. 27 per month. There is a permanent Mis­sion Fund of Rs. 1,200.
Institutions.—(l) The New Dispenation sectionof the Samaj holds a servioe on Sunday morning in the house of one of its members Babu B. B. Ghose, B.A. A new Dispensation Brotherhood is being organised.
(2) The Sadharan Brahma Semaj Section has established an Upper India Brahma Mission which has got 60 members. The following is its constitution.
1.Object.—The object of the Upper India Brahma Mission is to farther the cause of the Brahma Samaj in Upper India by establishing and maintaining Brahma Samajes, organiz­ing Mission operations, founding educational and philan­thropic institutions and by the publication of Brahma literature and such other means.

2.Membership.—Any one in sympathy with the mission of the Sadharan-.Brahma Samaj may become a member of the Upper India Brahma Mission, provided his application for membership ia supported by two members and accepted by the Executive Committee of the Mission at one of its meetings by a majority of votes. All members shall have to pay a subscription of at least Rs. 3 a year.

3.The Executive Committee.—The business of the Mis­sion shall be carried on by an Executive Committee con­sisting of 17 anushstlianic members of the Sadharan Brahma Samaj, 5 of whom shall be nominated by the Lahore Sadha nashram and the rest elected by the members of the Mission from among themselves at their annual meeting. The Committee shall elect annually a Seoretary, an Assis­tant Secretary and a Treasurer from among themselves.

4.The Meetlngs of the Committee.—The Executive Committee shall meet at least once in a quarter. The notice of such meetings shall be given at least a week before the date of the meeting, specifying the questions to be considered. Five shall form quorum. Members who cannot be present on account of unavoidable causes shall have a right to vote by proxy or by letter.

5. Bye-laws.—The Executive Committee shall be competent to frame bye-laws, consistent with the constitution of the Mission, for conducting its work.

6.—Property.—All property of the Mission shall be vested in a Board of Trustees nominated by the Lahore Sadhanashram, who will have entire control over the pro­perty of the Mission. Any vacancy in the Board of Trus­tees by death, resignation or any other cause shall be filled up by the Punjab Sadhanashram within six months.
7. Change In the Constitution.—Any change in the above constitution of the Mission may be made at a special meeting of the Executive Committee, the notice of which must be given at least a fortnight previous to the date of the meeting, by a majority of two-thirds of the entire Committee.
The provisional committee of the Mission consists of the following members:—
Pandit Sivanath Sastri, Bhai Prakash Dev, Babu Heramba Chandra Maitra, Babu Hem Chandra Sarkar, Babu Nilmani Dhar, Babu Mahendra Nath Sarkar, Babu Ishan Chandra Dev, Babu Sudhir Kumar Lahiri, Lala Manohar Lai, Bhai Sitaram. Bhai Beharilal Vasudev, Bhai Ram Kishen, Mallik Uttam Chand, with Babu Abinash Chandra Majamdaras Secretary, Lala- Lajpat Rai Sahni, Assistant Secretary and Lala Raghunath Sahai, Treasurer.
(8) A branch of the Calcutta Sadhanasram was established in Lahore in the year 1898 by the late Bhai Sundar Singh. Bhai Prakash Dev is in charge of this institution. There is an orgination for the welfare of young men known by the name of Atmonnati Sabha, service of which is held on Sunday morn­ing in the office of the Sadhanasram. A permanent building- of the Ashram which it is estimated will cost Rs. 15,000 is already under construction.
Organ.—Brahma Pracharak an Urdu fortnightly is conducted by Bhai Prakasn Dev and Pandit Girdhar Ray.
Workers.—Bhai Prakash Dev and Babu A. C. Majumdar. Can­didate workers.—Lala Raghunath Sahai, B A., and Lala Uttam Chand, Lala.Sitakurn, Bhai Beharilal Busndev. There are about a dozen helpers and sympathisers.

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Allahabad.     Reorganised 12th Feby. 1911.
Secretary—Mr. N. V. Ghumre.
Weekly divine service is held in the honse of the Secretary at Katra. Attendance is very poor.
There was a Sadharan Brahma Samaj which worked since 1865 to 1908 under the guidance of Babu Indabhnsan Bay its Minister and Babu Ramanand Chattergi, M.A., late Principal of the Kayastha-Patheala and Editor of the Prabasi and Modern Review. Allahabad was selected as a centre for Brahmic work a long time before by the Adi Samaj and Brahma Samaj of India but all attempts to establish a Brahma Samaj have failed for some reason or another.

Amritsar.    Estd. 1098.
The Brahma Samaj, Amritsar.
Secretary—Dr. Brijlal Bhalla.
Meetings—Divine Service once a week in Urdu.
The Samaj is in a moribund condition since 1911.

Banu.    ( Frontier Provinces.)   Estd. 1910.
Prayer Meeting, Banu.
Secretary—Dr. Sham Lal.
Members    --9.
Meetings.—Divine Service once a week in Urdu.

Cawnpore   U. P.    Estd. 1897.
Brahma Samaj, Cawnpore.
Secretary—Babu Mahendranath Sarkar, Civil aud Military Hotel, Cawnpore.
Membera.— 7.
Meetings.—Divine Service, every Sunday.

Dehradun.   U. P.          Estd. II Nov. 1865.
Dehradun Brahma Samaj,   Dehradun, U. P.
Sceretary—Mr. Mukandanand Acharya, Dehradun, U. P.
Members—Six, of whom all are Anusthanic.
Meetings—Divine Service once a week in Bengali,
Mandir—None-Servioes are held in the honse of a member. Mr. Ishanchadra Dev, R. A. A plot of ground has been purchased and a building fund opened.
Institutions—Brahma Samaj Library and Ram Mohun Library.

Delhi.     Estd. 1909
Brahma Samaj, Delhi.
Secretary —Prof. N. K. Sen, M. A.
Meetings—Divine Service is held once a week generally in Bengali in the honse of Prof. Dhirendranath Chaudhari!. M. A.

Attempt is being made to extend the wortk among the residents of the place.

Dholpur.    U. P.    Estd. 1909.
Prayer Meeting, Dholpur State, U. P.
Secretary—Mr. Harbhagwan Anand, Auditor of Accounts, Dholpur State.
Meetings—Services are regularly held in the house of the Secretary which are attended by 8 or 10 Friends.

Firozpore.    (Punjab)    Estd. 1909.

Sadharan Brahma Samaj,  Ferozpore.
Secretary—Lala Jagannath Kapur.
This Samaj has been in a moribund condition since March 1912.

Ghazipore.    U. P.    Estd. 1873.
Ghazipore New Dispensation Brahma Samaj.
Secretary—Babu Nitya Gopal Ray, Pleaders who also repre­sents the congregation in the gentral council of the Brahma Samaj of India at Calcutta.
Mandir—Divine Service is held every Sunday in the Mandir.

Isakhel.   ( District Mianwali, Punjab)     Estd. 1910.
Sadharan Brahma Samaj, Isakhel.
Secretary—Lala Wali Ram.
Meetings—Service once a week in Urdu.