Directory of Samajes - Madras - 3

"Chirala. (Guntoor Dt.)    Estd. 1903.
Prarthana Samaj, Chirala ( Guntoor Dt.).
Secretory—Mr. Tumma Venkata Subbaiya.
Members —10 ( All non-anusthanic ).
Meetings—Divine service once a week in Telugn.
Maodir—No Mandir. Some money has been collected for » Mandir. The Rajah of Pithapuram has given a donation of Rs. 200 for the pnrchase of a house.    
Lay Preacher—Mr. P. Seetharamaya, a worker of the S. B.
Samaj, Calcutta.
Subcription—No fixed rale.
Institutions—(1) Parity Association.
(2) Charity fand.

Coconada.      (Godavari Dt.)   Estd. 1904.
The Prarthana Samaj, Coconada ( Godavari Dt.)
Secretary—Mr. V. P. Pedamb Raj, Superintendent, Pittapnr Rajah's Orphanage B.A., Cocanada.
Members—14, of whom six are Anusthanic.
Meetings—Once a week in English,
Subcription—Minimum two annas a month.
Mandir—No Mandir. Service is conducted in the old Thana (place) of the Rajah of Pithapuram. The Rajah has sanc­tioned Rs. 8,000 for a Mandir which will be built as soon as a suitable site is found.
Institutions—(1) Young Men’s Prayer Meeting, meeting every Friday regularly.  (2) Ram Mohan Rai Night School, with two paid teachers.
History—This Samaj which has been in existence for several years ceased to be regular In its work : so much so that it had to be revived by Mr. Kottaya Naidu after bis advent to this town. He infused a new spirit into the embers and got the Samaj revived on the 9th January 1904- Hver since it is holding its meetings regularly every Sunday in the evening. The Samaj has no lucal habitation of its own and feels the peed of it. Mr. Venkata Ratnam Naidu ex- president of the Theistic Conference generally conducts services. Ha is a oentre of attraction. The signs at present are encouraging enough.

Coimbatore.    Estd. 1880.
The Brahma Samaj, Coimbatore ( Madras ).
Secretary—Mr. S. P. Narasihmlu Naidu, Coimbatore,
Mandir—There is a Mandir opened on 14th October 1897 where at present no services are held.
Organ—The Coimbatore Orescent, an Anglo-Tamil fortnightly under the editorship, of Mr. S. P. Narasihumlu Naidu— Subcriptlon Rs. 21-per annum.
This Samaj which was once a very prospevous body and a oentre of activities which radiated in the district around is now in a moribund condition.

Cuddalore.         Estd. 10th September 1905.
The Cuddalore Theistic Society, 100, Bodichetty Street, Tirupapuliyar, Cuddalore ( Madras ).
Secretary—Mr. C. S. Rangasami  Naidu, Reader, District Court, Cuddalore. Members—12.
Meetings—Once a week either in English, Tamil or Telugu.
Mandir—None. The Necessity is felt bat no serious attempt has yet been made.
Ellore Prarthana Samaj.                      
Secretary—Mr. V. Krishna Marti.   
Mandlr—Noue. Serives held in a School.

Epurlpallem.      ( Guntur Dt.)   Estd. 1905.
Prarthana Samaj, Epuripallem, Chirala P. O.,
( Guntur Dt.).
Secretary—Mr. Aknrati Sreramalu (Chirala Post) Epuriallem ( Guntur Dt ) Members—12 ( Non-anusthanio ).
Meetlngs—Onoe a week in Telugu.
Lay Preacher—Mr. P. Seetharamaya, worker of the S. B.
Samaj, Calcutta ; Chirala P. 0.
Mandir—The Samaj has a house of its own.
Institutions—A Night School for grown up working people.

Directory of Samajes - Madras - 2

Berhampore (Garijam Dt.) Estd. 13th Aug. 1905.
The Prarthana Samaj, Berhampore (Ganjam Dt.).
Secretary —Mr. V. Sriniwas Rao, Berhampore (Dt. Ganjam).
Members—21 ( of this three are Anusthame).
Meetings—Onoe a week for prayer. Other meetings to commemorate the death of Ram Mohan, &c., are held. English and Telugu are the languages in which these meetings are condooted.
Mandir—No Mandir. Its want is keenly felt. A small house has been rented for the nse of the Samaj.
History—Baba Hem Chandra Sarkar visited this place in 1905. Previously the minds of many young men were in a fit condition to receive his message. And an attempt -was made singlehanded by Mr J. V. Narayan and proved partially successful. The first prayer meeting was held in a private house and attended by Mr. K. Namasivayam, and Mr. Ramalingam, B. A, L. T., who up till now take a good deal of interest in the Samaj.
The Samaj has now considerably progressed. Its delegates were sent to the Theistic Conference at Calcutta. It has gradually attraoted many earnest young men who have brought tho movement to the front in the locality. The anniversary of this Samaj is held in Datara holidays generally. It was visited by Mr. R. Venkata Ratnam Naidu, M.. A., L.T., who was its President on the occasion of one of its anniver­saries. Babu Viswanath Ear of Outtaok takes an interest In the Bamaj and as he is a good Uriya lecturer his connection with the Bamaj is certainly advantageous. His lectures in the anniversary of 1908 were universally admired by the Berhampore public.

Bezawada.    Estd. nth June 1899.
The Prarthana Samaj, Bejawada (Madras).
Secretary—Mr. P. Subrshmanyam, Beaawada.
Meetings—Once a -week in Telugu and sometimes in English.
Mandlr—No Mandir—A building is rented for the Samaj.
Institutions—(1) The Socio-Religions Reform Association (1902 ).
(2)  The Theistic Library and Reading Room.
(3) Theistic Book Depot.
History—This Samaj was started by Mr. R. Venkatasivudu. B. A., L. T. the then 1st Asstt. Teacher of the local High School and Mr. T. Raj Gopal Rao, on 11th June 1899. It Seems there was a Samaj so far back as 1892 and no account is heard of it. Divine service and other meetings used to be held at first in the press offiee of Mr Ch. Veerabhadra Rao- After a year or so Mr. Venkatasivndu left the place to the great regret of all the members. The Samaj work suffered for a while but times seem to have changed for the better. Members have now boldly taken practical steps in connection with the Social Reform Movement. The service is held regularly on Sundays. About 4 Rs. a month is realised in the shape of subscription and though this is no indication of financial success yet the Samaj is able to meet exigencies from voluntary sources and especially from its good treasurer Mr. P. Subramamyam. The Samaj has been affiliated in 1904 to the S. B. Samaj.
Mr. H. 0. Sarkar Has visited this place and has greatly helped its progreess in more ways than one.

Bhimavararm. ( Kistna Dt.) Estd. 1889.

The Prarthana Samaj, Bhimavaram, Kistna Dt.
Secretary—Mr. Veluri Ananta Ramaya, Bhimavaram P. ( Kistna Dt.).
Members—  10 Men    
5 Women   = 30.
15  Children

Meetings—Thrice a week in Telugu.
Mandir—None. Efforti are being made to erect one.
Callcut.    Estd. 14th June 1898.
Secretary—Mr. C. Krishnan, B.A., B. L.
Meetings—Once a week in English.
Mandir—There is a Mandir consecrated on 15th October 1900.
Subscription—Re. 1 per annum.        
Institutions—(1) Theistic Library,
(2) The Town Club.
The pamphlet “ “In memorium of Maharshi Devendra Nath Tagore.” was written and published at his own cost by the late Mr. G. Subbarao.

History—This Samaj was inaugurated on Sunday, the I4th January 1898 and its place of worship, built out of public contributions, was opened on Monday the 18th October 1900 by the present enlightened Raja of Calicut. A library is attached to the Samaj which now contains over 309 volumes, some oC which are the gift of Mr. P. Karmakar Menon.  

In the death of Mr. G. Suhbarao, M. A. which occurred in 1909 not only the local Samaj but the cause of Brahamaism in the whole southern presidency suffered On irreparable loss. Mr. Subbarao was the main stay of this Samaj. He was the principal of the local Zamorin College. Being elected by the Brahma Samaj Committee of Calcutta to the Brahma Scholar­ship he studied theology for one year in the Meadville College U. S. America, where his health was impaired ; on returning to India he diedat Bellari. He has left nearly all his property about Rs. 10,000 for the cause of Brahamaism in the southern India.

Directory of Samajes - Madras - 1

Banglore.    Estd.  1868.
(I)  Petta Brahma Samaj, Banglore City.
Secretary—Mr. P. Moonisamyi Raju, Basavangudi, Bauglore City.
Members—25 Men.
1 Woman   =  40
14  Children,
Meetings—Divine service is held once a week either in Kanarese or Telugu.
Mandir—No Mandir. Its -want is greatly felt.
Minister—Brahmanaoda Yogendra.
Funds—Subcription not fixed. There is an amount of Rs. 500 to wards the building fund.
Institutions—(1) Moral Training Class for boys on Saturdays.
2)     Library,
Mis—.One thousand copies of ‘ Brahmopasanai Paddhati ’ are being aunually circulated free.
History—This Samaj is, the result of the inflence of Keshnb’s preachings iu Madras. The. late Mr. Varadaya Naidu with Mr. Raghavulu Naidu and others started this Samaj in the llrst week of March! 1868 probahly while Eeshub was in the Presidency. The Samaj attracted some attention when about a couple of months after Mr. Brahatnaoanda Yogengra openly embraced tho Brahma faith. During the early days of the Samaj Mr. Yogeudra exerted most for its progress. He composed hymns for the use of the Samaj and the following (1) Brahma Smkirtan-.Vanjari, (2) Bhakti Sudha- rasa, (3) Brahmananda Sataka, (4) Deva-Bhakti-Sara, (5) Akshara Malika Stotra.  Although many of the old adherants of the Samaj have now passed away and others hare left the place, its meetings are held regularly and there is every hope of a bright future.

Bangalore.    Estd. about 1867.
(2)  The Bangalore City Brahma Samaj, Bangalore.
Secretary—Mr. Narayan Singh, Bangalore.
Meetlngs — Every Wednesday in Kanarese or Telugu.
Mandir—No Mandir. Divine service is conducted in a private house.
Late Rev. P. C. Muzoomdar and Mr. Bipin Chandera Pal visited this Samaj.

Bangalore.   Estd. 1872.
(3)  Cotton Pettah Brama Samaj, Bangalore.
Secretary—Pandit Basappa, Bangalore City Dharwar Unda- cappass’s lane, 291,
Members—15—out of this 8 are Anusthanic.

Banglore.     Estd.  1868.
(i)  Petta Brahma Samaj, Banglore City.
Secretary—Mr. P. Moonisamyi Raju, Basavangudi, Bauglore City.
Members—25 Men.
1 Woman    =    40
14  Children
Meetings—Divine service is held once a week either in Kanarese or Telugu.
Mandir—No Mandir. Its -want is greatly felt.
Minister—Brahmanaoda Yogendra.
Funds—Subcription not fixed. There is an amount of Rs. 500 to wards the building fund.
Institutions—(1) Moral Training Class for boys on Saturdays.
(2) Library,
Mis—.One thousand copies of ‘ Brahmopasanai Paddhati ’ are being aunually circulated free.
History—This Samaj is, the result of the inflence of Keshnb’s preachings iu Madras. The. late Mr. Varadaya Naidu with Mr. Raghavulu Naidu and others started this Samaj in the llrst week of March! 1868 probahly while Eeshub was in the Presidency. The Samaj attracted some attention when about a couple of months after Mr. Brahatnaoanda Yogengra openly embraced tho Brahma faith. During the early days of the Samaj Mr. Yogeudra exerted most for its progress. He composed hymns for the use of the Samaj and the following (1) Brahma Smkirtan-.Vanjari, (2) Bhakti Sudha- rasa, (3) Brahmananda Sataka, (4) Deva-Bhakti-Sara, (5) Akshara Malika Stotra.
Although many of the old adherants of the Samaj have now passed away and others hare left the place, its meetings are held regularly and there is every hope of a bright future.

Bangalore.    Estd. about 1867.
2) The Bangalore City Brahma Samaj, Bangalore.
Secretary—Mr. Narayan Singh, Bangalore.
Meetings Every Wednesday in Kanarese or Telugu.
Mandir—No Mandir. Divine service is conducted in a private house.
Late Rev. P. C. Muzoomdar and Mr. Bipin Chandera Pal visited this Samaj.

Bangalore.    Estd. 1872.
(3)  Cotton Pettah Brama Samaj, Bangalore.
Secretary—Pandit Basappa, Bangalore City Dharwar Unda- cappass’s lane, 291,
Members—15—out of this 8 are Anusthanic.
Meetings—Weekly service in Kanarese or Telugu.
Mandir—No Mandir.
Organ—A pamphlet called ' Masa Patrika’ or the ' Monthly Journal' is published under the editorship of Pandit Basappa.
History—Most of the members of this Samaj were once the Members of the City Samaj. But owing to inconve­nience in attending the Pettah Samaj, 2 miles distant from Cotton Pettah, it was thought desirable to establish a Samaj in Cotton Pettah and this was done on the 24th March 1872 by Messrs. Rangappa, Muniappa and others. Bat for want of a permanent place of worship it had to shift itself from one place to another and owing to other difficulties the work of the Samaj for a time came to a standstill. But the activity of its Memberi has renewed itself and once more the record of its progress sends hope into the minds of its adherents.  

Bapatia Dist. Guntoor.  Estd. 1900.
Prarthana Samaj, Bapatla ( Guntoor Dt.).
Secretaries    =  Mr. B. Rambrahmam.
Mr. P. Veeraya. Pada Nundlpadu Bapatla.
Meettlngs—Once a week service is conducted in Telugu.
Mandlr—No place of worship of its own. The need for Mandir is keenly felt.
Subscription—No fixed rule. There is no permanent fund.
Institutions— Night School.
2   Library.
3   Temperance and Purity Association.
4   Itwaropatana Goithi.
The institutions ander the Samaj are practioally in a dying state for want of funds. Bapatla is the birth place of the late Mr. D. P. Bapaya, B. A., L. T., whose record of servioe to the Brahma Samaj will remain ever memorable. Mr. Seetharamaya Naidu, and Mr. Hanumantha Rao take a good deal of interest in the progress of this Samaj.