When the baneful effect of immorality and dissipation that had crept into our society, was being keenly felt and the villa­gers having lost sight of true religion became degenerated by impious and unhealthy habits, the Atmonnati Sabha came into existence at Andul. The main object of the Institute is to help the local men in their attempts to get rid of supersti­tion, to prosper in the true path of religion and to remove the real wants of the locality.
1. Attempts have been made to improve the local Public Library and to stock it with books on sound morality, with a view to remove superstition and ignorance from the mind of the villagers.
2. A hospital for the poor is being established for the treatment of the poor men of the locality, who for want of funds and proper treatment are made victims of untimely death.
3. It is also under contemplation to start a Poor Fund with the object of alleviating to some extent, the misery of those who are suffering from dire starvation.
Arrah. District Shahabad. Estd. 8 July 1880; Arrah New Dispensation Brahma Samaj. Arrah, P.O
Secretary:—Mr. Anukul Chandra Mittra, Arrah P. O., E. I. Ry.
Members:—5 ‘Aflnsthanick’ Men 4, Woman 1.
Meetings:— Once every. Sunday evening in Bengali. Anniversary is celebrated in the 3rd week of January, the special feature of which is a whole day utsav.
Bankipore. Behar. Established. 24 May 1866. Bankipore (New Dispensation) Brahma Samaj.Moradpur, P. O. Bankipore
Secretary:—Dr. Pares Nath Chatterjee, L. M. &  S.,Moradpur, P. O. Bankipore.
Members: — 50 Brahmos (20 Men, 20 Women, 40 Boys and girls.) Weekly Divine Services are conducted in Bengali; occasionally in Hindi. The Samaj has a Mandir of its own.
Ordained Minister:—Baboo Prokas Chandra Roy, Moradpur, P. O. Bankipor.
Institutions— (1) Aghore Nari Samiti  is a literary and Philanthropic Society for ladies. Secretary Mrs. Hem Kusum Mallick.
(2) Aghore Paribar is a boarding institution for young women. Brahmaism is also taught. There are 12 inmates of -which 1 is a teacher and 11 are pupils. It is managed by Mr. and Mrs. Gouri Prasad Mazoondar.
(3) Bidhan Boarding is a, Brahma Boarding House for both Brahma and Non-Brahma boys; intended to break down caste exclusiveness and to teach spiritual worship.

The publications of the Samaj are:—

1. Kesub Chandar Sen. 
     Baboo Debendra Nath Sen, M. A.
2. National character as
a factor of National
  Do. Do.
3. Jesus not God but a    
great man
Baboo N. C. Mitra, M.A
4. The Doctrine of The average monthly collections of the Samaj are Rs. 12 only. Do. Do.

Bankipore. (Behar.) Established1896. Bankipore Brahma Congregation (Sadharan Brahma Samaj).
Secretary:—Mr.W. M. Das, Bar.-at law, Bankipur.
Assistant Secretary:—Mr. Satis Chandra Chakravarti, M.A., Moradpur, P. O. Bankipur.
Members:—60 Brahmas.
Meetings:—Weekly divine service on Sunday mornings.
Mandir:—No permanent place for public congregational worship the Sandhanashram is being used for the purpose.
Missionary and Minister: —Mr. S. C. Chakrawarti,  M. A.
Institutions: — 1. Rama Mohan Roy Seminary with a boarding house.
2. Night School.
3. Sunday Theological Class in the Seminary. The Samaj was started on the removal to this place of the Arrah branch of the Sadhanashram.

Bankura. (Established 1881.)
Bankura Brahma Samaj. Bankura, Bengal.
Secretary:—Mr Mahes Chendar Gosh, B. A., Bankura.
Members:— l6; ‘Anusthanic’ (Male 2, Female 3, Children 3; Non-Anusthanic 8)
Sympathisers:—About 10.
Meetings:—Weekly devotional meetings on Sundays in Bengalee. Maghotsav and Ram Mohan Roy’s anniversary are also celebrated.
Mandir:—The Samaj has a Mandir of its own, consecrated in 1888. It has also a Mission house attached to it.
Institutions.—1. A Library.
2. A Free Night School for the ragged.
3. A Homeopathic Dispensary where medicines
are distributed gratis.
The annual collections made without any regular monthly subscription system amount to nearly Rs.200. The charges for the year Rs.130 only.