Directory of Samajes - Madras - 8

Vinkonda Prarthana Samaj.
Secretary.—K. Shitapati Rao.
Mandir.—Services are held in a private house.
Institution.—A Night School for the Depressed Classes.

Vizagapatam.        Estd. 12th July, 1906.
The Prarthana Samaj, Vizagapatam.
Secretary—Sj. B. Lakshminarayana, B.A., Vizagapatam.
Members—12 (Non-anusthanic).
Meetings—Divine Service once a week in Telngu.
Mandir—No separate Mandir. Meeting! are at present held in a spacious hall in the mansions of Maharani Lady Gajapatirao.
History—This Prarthana Samaj was established on 12th July 1906. It owes its existence to the eflorts of Babu
H. C. Sarkar, M.A., of Calcutta who. during one of his mission tours in the presidency, stopped here and induced some of the local men to meet together at least once a week for congregational worship. At present the Samaj has no regular constitution. No subscriptions are levied and there are no duly elected office-bearers. The average attendance at the weekly service is about'eight. The services are con­ducted by one of the elders in Telugu. The Samaj keenly feels'the want of a good Theistic Library.
It is hoped that a good future awaits the institution but it can hardly be said to have emerged out of the stage of in­fancy. The exact scope and object of the Theistic Move­ment are not as yet understood clearly even by the majority of the educated people of the locality.

Ahmedabad.        Estd. 17th Dec. 1871.
The Ahmedabad Prarthana Samaj, Ahmedabad, (Gujarat).
Secretary :—Mr. Ramanbhai Mahipatram Nilkanth, B.A., L.L.B.
Asthudia Road, Ahmedabad.
Members:  221. None is anusthanic.
Meetings :—There is weekly divine service conducted ia Gujarati. Besides there are the Ladies Prayer Meeting and the Liberal Literature Class held once a month. Mandlr:—The Samaj has a fine Mandir Ct its own consecrated on 3rd May 1876. It has a spacious compound, with rooms for Missionaries in it.
Organs:—The ‘ Gnana Sudha’ a monthly Gujarati Magazine, annual subscription with postage Re. 1-3-0; edited by Mr. Riamanbhai Mahipatram Nilkanth, B.A., L.L.B., Ahmedabad.
Funds:--There is no rule for subscriptions. A member must pay something to signify his membership. But the amount is at his option.  The Mission Fund amounts to Rs. 2,788-0-8. The total funds including the Mission Fund amount to Rs. 18,174-10-0.  
Institutions:—(1). The Mahipatram Rupram Anath Ashram and orphanage.
(2) The Ahmedabad Prarthana samaj school for secular educution and instruction imparted principally through the vernacular
History:—This Samaj was founded on the 17th Dec. 1871. A public meeting was held on that day to offer prayers for the recovery of the then Prince of Wales ( His Majesty the late King-Edward) who was then dangerously ill. The Samaj was founded on the same occasion. Of course, this was but the immediate occaaion for giving shape to the growing desire to break away from idolatory and superstition and establish a pure and rational mode of worship. The Samaj was“launched into existence by those who were the pioneers of reform and liberal thought in all departments of public life. The late Rao Bahadur Sirdar Bholanath Sarabhai ( then a retired 1st class Subordinate Judge ) was the first president of the Samaj and the late Rao Sahib Mahipatram Rupram Nilkanth, C. I. E., was its first Secretary. The Samaj was strengthened by tho increase in the educated class that identified themselves with the movement. In less than five years a handsome Mandir was erected at a cost of abont Rs. 12,000. Mr. S. N. Tagore, I. C. S., a son of Maharshi Devendranath came to Ahmedabad about this time as District Jndge. He and Mr. R. B. Gopalrao Hari Deshmukh who was then Judge of the Court of Small Causes exerted their best to develop the Samaj.And in Mr. Bholanath Sarabhai the Samaj found a gifted poet of ‘Bliakti’.  His ‘Prarthana Mala’ has always been the hymn book of the Samaj and the work occupies a prominent place in Gujarati literature. It is read and appreciated by a large class of men and women even outside the theistic church and its hymns are sung even in Hindu orthodox temples.

The theistic movement thus started made its impression on the cultured classes. But its progress was opposed by the reactionary movement which set in after some years. In extent the Samaj cannot claim a large following and some who'were enthusiastic members at one time have fallen off. But ,the Samaj has always remained an ideal centre of liberal thought and pnrity of worship and has worked as a leaven in raising the moral and spiritual tone of the Hindu Society in these parts. It has always'commanded the respect of thoughtful men. The reactionary wave above referred to is now ebbing out and at present greater sym­pathy towards the Samaj is visible everywhere.

Following the example of Ahmedabad several Samajes were established in the district and talnk towns of Gujarat- But they broke down some years after. The leading spirits of these infant Samajes were mostly public servants whose places were not filled when they were transferred, and there were no missionaries to guide the flock. Bat signs of a revival are now visible and if the services of permanent missionaries are secured in Gujarat the movement is sure to fructify.

The Ahmedabad Samaj, unlike the provincial Samajes, ob­tained a permanency from its very beginning. Its follow­ing was not inconsiderable and its leaders occupicd pro­minence in varions phases of civic life. The number of resident members has been large and the Samaj Mandir situpted on the finest Road adds a stability and celebrity of its own. The Congregation every Sunday is between 75 to 100,
The Anniversary is always an occasion for crowded con­gregations and is generally awaited with much eagerness in consequence of its impressive programme. Some ladies attend the service regularly every week and there is a Ladies Samaj held once every month.


Ahmednagar.—     Estd. 11th Kartic 1796 (Saka).
The Ahmednagar Prarthana Samaj, Navipeth, Ahmednagar.
Secretary:--Mr. Shankarrao C/o Mr. Bagade.
Meetings:—Divine service every Sunday evening in Marathi.
Mandir:--The Samaj has got a Mandir of its own opened ia 1888 A D.
Institutions:—Two Night Schools (one for weavers, another for the lower castes).
Funds:—The permanent fund of the Samaj amounts to about Rs. 300.
Miscellaneous:— The principal i'«ems in the Anniversary proceedings are Nagar Sankirtan and Pritibhojan.

Directory of Samajes - Madras - 7

4. I will daily direct my mind in prayer with devotion and love unto the Supreme Being.
5. I will endeavour strictly to adhere to the duties and virtues of humanity, justice, veracity, temperance, and chastity.
6.  Believing as I do in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man, I will discard all sectarian views and animosities, and never allow any encouragement to them.
7.  Should I through weakness commit sin, I will end­eavour to be atoned unto God by earnest repentance and re­formation.
8.  I shall observe tbe religious ceremonies now in use but only in cases where they are indispenable, as in marriages and funerals ; I shall, however, go through them as if they were matters of routine, destitute of all religious signifi­cance as the lifeless remains of a superstition which has passed away. This sacrifice and this only shall I make to existing prejudices; but I shall never endeavour to deceive any one as to my religious opinions and never stoop to equivocation or hypocrisy, in order to avoid unpopularity.
9. I shall never hold, nor attend nor pay for nautches, or otherwise hold out encouragement for prostitution.
10. I shall encourage and promote to the best of my power the remarriage of widows, and discourage early marriages.
11. I shall never be guilty of bigamy or poligamy.
12. I shall advance the cause of general and female edacation and enlightenment, and particularly in my own' family circle.

This day, being the day of the month of I by the grace of God, do hereby declare my faith in Theism, and in witness thereof, I set my hand to these covenants of my own free will and consent. So help me God.
This has been the state of affairs till the beginning of this year. There have been no anusthanic members who have boldly given up caste and Idolatry. Recently however, some have turned anusthanic and have become practical Brahmas. .A t present, including our Minister R. B. Vireshalingam who has also become anusthanic there are five members in our Samaj who are practical Brahmas. To meet new cases the old rather long covenant has been modified, and we have now two classes of members, the Active or Anusthanic members and the Associate or non-anusthanic members.


Tekkali Prarthana Samaj.
Secretary.—Mr. K. Narasivayam.
Divine service conducted in aprivfte house.

Telichary   (Malabar).          Estd. 14th Jan. 1909.
Telechary Brahma Samaj, Teilchary, Malabar.
Secretary—A. K. Kelu, Esq., B. A., Teacher, High School, Telichary.
Meetings—Every Sunday in the upper storey of a shop.
Divine Service is held in Malayalam.
Members—3 initiated members and 15 Sympathisers.
History—Mr. V. R, Shinde of Bombay on his way back from the All-India Theistic Conference held at Madras’ in December 1908 visited this place in Janu­ary 1910, and founded this Samaj by initiating two new members viz. Mr. A. K. Kelu and Mr. T. C. Kumaran on the 14th of January 1910. Since May 1910, a new awakening is being felt and prayer meetings are held in private houses. On the 8th of October, 1910 was performed, the ceremony of opening a Mandir in the upper storey of a shop very near the house of Mr. A. K. Kelu. 

Tinnevlli Prarthana Samaj.
Secretary.—P. M. Kailasam Pillay, B. A.

M. N. Parushotham Naidu Garu writes :—
“There was a Samaj here but it is now extinct. I met one Mr. Jambhunatha Iyer, B. A., B. L., the only Brahma at Trichinapally and he states that unless a missionary comes and constitutes a'branch there is no hope of the Samaj reviving.

Vattamalai    (Coimbatore).       Estd. 5th Jan. 1884-
Vittamalia Poliam Brahma Samaj, Vattamalai Poliam (Coimbtore).
Secretary—Mr. Ablooya Naidu, Sangalipoliam.
Meetings—Once a week in Tamil or Telugu Dirine Service is held.
Mandir.—There is a Mandir consecrated on 4th Jan. 1900 A.D.
Minister—Mr. S. P. Narasimulu Naidu.

Directory of Samajes - Madras - 5a

Masullpatam. Krishna Dist. Estd. 19th Feb. 1882.
The Brahma Samaj, Masulipatam.
Secretary—Mr. Vemuri Ramakrishna Rao, B.A., L.T., Masulipatam.
Members—19. Of this only one is anusthanic.
Meetings—Once a week on Sunday evening divine service is held usually in Telugu and occasionally in English.
Mandir—The Samaj has a Mandir and a Mission House with a large compound. 
Llay Preachers—(1) D. Ramamoorti, B. A.

(2) V. Ramakrishna Rao, B. A., L.T.
Funds—Mandir funds amounts to about Rs. 285. Subscription is not fixed.
Miscellaneous—Mr. B.C. Pal, Rev. H. C. Sarkar have visited the samaj. A widow marriage was celebrated under the auspices of the samaj in 1902. Mr. R. Venkata Ratnam Naidu, M.A..L.T, is greatly interested in the Samaj and its work. And Mr. Ramakrishna Rao as a true disciple of Mr. Naidu has taken up the work of the Samaj which Mr. Naidu did.

Narsapur.     (Krisna Dt.)   Estd. 1st June 1906
Narsapur Prayer Union, Narsapur (Krisna Dt).
Secretary—Mr. R. Venkat Ramayya, B. A. and B. Punekaswar Rao, Proprietor of Gardi Zamindari, Narsapur.
Members—14 (none anusthanic).
Meetings—Once a week for divine service. But many times informally all the members meet to talk on and discusa Theism. Generally all meetings are conducted in Telugu, occasionally in English.
Mandir—No aeperate building of its own. But a philanthropic gentleman by name Mr. Neelakantha Mudaliyar, B.A., a leading Vakil of the place who ia not a member of the samaj, has placed at the disposal of the Union one of his school buildings with the furniture thereof. So no urgent need for a separate building is now felt.
Lay Preachers—Mr .R. Venkata Ramaya Pantulu, B. A., Pleader.
The Union has published  a pamphlet named “ Sree Ram Mohan Kathamala-” The death anniversary of Raja Ram Mohan is observed by the Union.

Narasaraopet.         Dt. Guntur. Estd. 15th May, 1904.
The Narasaraopet Prarthana Samaj, Narasaraopet (Guntur Dt.) S. M. Ry.
Secretary—Mr. D. Lakshmam Singh Dads, Narasaraopet (Guntur Dt.). flembers—19.
Meeting —Once a week devotional meeting in Telugu.
Mandir—No Mandir. Its want is keenly felt. Meetings are held in a house lent temporarily for the use of the Samaj.
Raja Ram Mohan's Roy death annifersasy is observed by the Samaj. The Samaj is associated with the Sadharan Brahma Samaj, Calcutta. Babu Hem Chandra Sarkar, M. A-, visited this place in 1905.

Nellore.        Estd. ist Jan. 1905.
The Prarthana Samaj, Nellore (Madras Ry.).
Secretary—Mr. Validanda Srinivas Rao, Typist, Revenue Settlement Office,                                           Nellore.
members—10 (all non-anusthanic),                    
Meeting—(1) Ordinarily once a week on Sunday prayer meet­ing is held in  Telugu.
(2) Armstrong’s God and Soul, is taught by the President on oertain   other days,
Mandlr—None. The meeting is held in the house of the President.
President—Mr. J. V. Narayna Naidu,;B. A.,L.T., Laud Reoords Tahsildar,  Nellore.

Parlakimedi,  Ganjam Dt. std. 1895.

 The Parlakimedi Prarthana Samaj, Paralakimedi.
Secretary—Mr. Jagannath Swami, B.A., L.T, Teacher, Raja’s College,        Paralakimedi.
Sympathisers -10.    
Meetings—Once, weekly divine service on Sunday evening in either English or Telugu.
Mandir—No separate place. A plot of land has been pur­chased long since bat no serious attempt has yet been made to erect a building by collecting subscriptions.
Funds—No fixed rnle for subscription. There is a building fund of about Rs. 125.
Institutions—(1)  A free night-school with about 70 pupils.
(2) A Theistic Library of about 500 volumes.
History—A band of enthusiastic young men headed by Mr. P. V. Krishna Rao, now pleader, Parlakimedi, started this movement as far back as 1895. The Samaj received the patronage of tho Second Prince—Sri Padmanabha Narayan Dev—who over and above his voluntary donation took an interest in the progress of the Samaj and encouraged its members in more ways than one. For about ten years its progress and Work went on uninterrupted. Many a disting­uished Brahma visited this place and lectured under its auspices daring this period. Sj. Bepin Chander Pal, Babns Umesh Chander Dutt, Chandi Charan Sen, Hem Chandra Sarkar and Mr. V. R. Shinde all found in Parla­kimedi a rising Samaj with best possible materials and scope for improvement. It is during this time that Mr. P. V. Krishna Rao threw off his Sacred Thread ( Yajnopavi- tam) and boldly defied the attacks of orthodoxy. It is to Mr. P. V. Krishna Rao that many a  young man owes his spiritual training. But the state of things has however, changed. Mr. Krishna Rao’s becoming a pleader followed by his cold in- difierenoe towards the Samaj has undone what was done dur-ing twelve years. He not only ceased to assist the Samaj and its work but personally lowered himself in the estimation of the Brahma Samaj by patting on his thread (Yajnopavitam) and performing his father’s Pretakriya (fnneral-ceremony) accord­ing to quite orthodox rites. This was more than the Samaj could bear. A band of young men, thereupon, let Mr. Kri­shna Rao alone, as it were, and pushed on the work of the Samaj. Bat Ur. Krishna Rao’s influence was a thing they could not combat with. One late Mr. Agadhu was perhaps the most virulent of the protestant party. His enthusiasm and activity will, so long as the Prarthana Samaj movement exists here, be ever remembered. Since 1904 there was a complete lull. Mr. Krishna Rao’s cessation, Mr. Yenkatasivudu's trans­fer to Vizianagaram, and Mr. Kanakachalam’s indifference helped towards the closure of the Samaj for about 5 years.

Now the Samaj in 1909 is being revived by Mr. P. Jaganadhaswamy, B.A., and it is hoped that ere long Parla- kimedi Samaj will regain its former activity and usefulness.

Directory of Samajes - Madras - 5

Funds—Every member has to pay monthly one pie on every, rupee of his income. Special subscriptions are collected when occasion arises. A fund under the name of ‘Baldev Narain Mission Fund" has been formed with the aid of the legacy of Rs. 500 left by the late lamented Rev. Baldev Narain who died in Bagdad. There is another fund under the name of ‘the New Mandir Fund.’
Institution—(1) The Theistic Library (Mr. P. Laxman Libra­rian).
(2) The Sangat Sabha (Mr. P Ramappa, Secre­tary.)
(3) The Theistic Club (Mr. N. Ananda Rao, Secretary.
(4)The Sunday Class (Messrs. Babu, Lakshman and Giriappa teachers).
*(5) The Ram Mohan Roy Primary School for Girls (Mr. G. Krislina Rao, B. A., LLB, Secretary, School Committee).
*(6) “The Canara Sarvajanaik Provident Fund ” with a capital of Rs. 4,324-6-7 (Mr. U. Raghnnath Rao, Chairman).
(7) Panchama Primary School (Manager—Mr.  K. Ranga Rao).
(8) ‘The Brahmica Sabha’ (Mrs. M. Seshamma, Secretary).
(9)‘The Charitable Homeopathic Dispensary, (Mr. Raghnnath Rao, Manager).
(10) “Office of the Registrar of births, deaths and marriages” (Mr.K Ranga Rao, Registrar).
*Of these institutions the Ram Mohan Rai Girls’ School had to be closed for want of funds in 1910; and the Sarvajanik Provident Fund suffered heavily on account of the failure of Messrs.* Arbuthnot & Co. of Madras who were the bankers of the Fund.

The Panoham Primary School was developed into a vigorous branch at Mangalore of the Depressed Classes Mis­sion Society of India during the visit of Mr. V. R. Shinde to Mangalore in November 1907.

Celebrations—The Anniversary of the Samaj takes place during 'Dasara’ holidays. The chief items of the programme are (1) A whole day retreat; (2) Usha Sankritan in streets for more than 2 hours during the day ; (3) Open air addresses ; (4) Individual Prayers; (5) Ladies gathering; (6) Address to students; (7) Child­ren’s treat; (8) Religions Conversation; (9) Charity to deserving poor ; (10) Socio-Religious Gathering; (11) Love-feast; (12) Anni­versaries of ‘Brahmica Samaj' the Sangat, Sunday Class, &c.,

History. The idea of starting a Theistic Church in Mangalore was first concieved by Mr. Ullal Raghunathaya. It met with sympathetic support from his father the late Mr. Mangeshaya who was District Munsifl and, reputed to be one of the best Sans­krit scholars in the District. The father and son worked to form a fraternity for the worship of God and the propagation of theTheistic faith in the town. The late Mr. N. Arasappa who ever hankered for the social and moral elevation of his commnnity, viz., the Billawas also joined them and became their most enthusiastic co-worker. Messrs. Bharadwaj Siva Rao, Kalyanpur Raghavendra Rao,K. Santappaya.K.Narayanappaya, U. Raghavendra Rao, U. Subarao, and Pundit Parameshwaraya also joined the fraternity and did much to popularize the Theistic faith. Mr. Arasappa who was the most influential man in his commnnity worked hard to enlist tbe sympathy of his caste people and invited the Bhahma Missionaries to come to Mangalore and receive himself and 5,000 people of his(Billawa) caste into the Brahma Samaj. Revd. Bhais P. C. Mozoomdar, Amritlal Bose, and Gour Govind Roy Upadhyaya arrived in April 1870. The 5,000 people, however, who were expected to stand by the side of Mr. Arasappa deserted him when occasion arrived for practical action and consequently Mr. Arsappa and ten of his dependents alone were initiated into Brahmaism and a small Brahma Samaj was formed. The Samaj however died in its infancy and Mr. Arsappa himself died in 1876 disappointed by the people on whose sympathy he counted much. The entire cost of the Mission was borne by Mr. Arsappa who is now gratefully remembered by the Samaj as the noble soul that exerted itself at enormous sacrifice to plant the banner of Theism In this District.

On 11th June 1870 a small association was formed under the guidance of Revd. Bhais Amritlal Bose and Gour Govind Roy, with Mr. Raghunathaya as Secretary and was named the Upasana Samaj. In 1884 this Samaj built a hall for worship. since known as the Brahma Mandir, and in 1886 declared it open to the public without disctinction of caste, creed or colour. The strength of the Samaj had risen to about 80 by this time. In December 1888 organized persecution from a Brahmin community commenced in consequence of this' fear­less declaration on the part of Mr. Ullal Ragbunathaya of open Universal Brotherhood as the basic principle of the Ohurch. This was followed by a catastrophe in the family of Mr. Raghunathaya that shook the Samaj to its very foundation. Umnath Rao a youth of great pro­mise who was Mr. Raghunathaya’s only son then was struck dead by a stroke of lightening at a conversational .meeting headed by Rev. Bhai Amritlal Bose. Mr. Bose stayed here for nearly one year, worked hard to keep the Samaj alive. He built a house for the Alissionary guests of the Samaj, which stands as a memento of Mr. Bose’s memorable visit ia that year. On Mr. Bose’s departure for Calcutta, the strength of the Samaj began to decrease, so much so that in 1892 scarcely four individuals, Mr. Raghunathaya, Mr. Parameshwaraya, Mr. Nagar Ananda Rao who was a new member then and has ever since stuck to the Samaj in weal and woe and Mr. K. Ranga Rao constituted the entire Samaj. In 1893 Mr. Raghunathaya was excommnnnieated from his caste for re­fusing to perform the funeral ceremony and the adyathradha of his mother acogrding to idolatrous rites—an event that brought liberty to the Samaj and led to greater results in due eourse. In 1894 the Samaj established a provident institution under the name of the Canara Sarvajanik Provident fund. Two years later on Mr. M. Venkatappa, B. A., who has done much to promote the moral and spiritual culture amongst the younger members of the Samaj, joined the Samaj. In 1903 Revd. Bhai Baldeo Narain paid his memorable visit to the Samaj which led to the introduction of the rite of initiation in the Samaj, and the appointment of a Registrar of Marriages un­der Act III of 1872 by the local Government which is pro­bably the first non-official appointment of the kind in the Madras Presidency. It was in'this year, the Samaj dropped its old name of Upasana Samaj and assumed the name of the Brahma Samaj. In 1904 Bhai Baldeo paid his second and last visit whioh led to the celebration of the first Brahma marriage as registered under Act III of 1872—the marriage of Mr. Raghunathaya’s daughter with a son of Mr. Parameshwaraya. The same year Revd. Pandit Sivanath Shastri arrived at this station and gave a constitution to the Samaj, and Revd.— Hema Chandra Slrkar paid his first visit and opened a Girls' School. In 1905, the Trust Deed of the Samaj was registered and Mr. Raghunathaya resigned the office of Secretary on ac­count of old age. The Samaj at a public meeting presented an address to him acknowledging the valuable services he rendered to the cause of Theism and complimenting him as the maker of the local Samaj.

The Samaj led by the saving hand of the merciful God, and outliving untold vissioitudes and trials in the course of the last 36 long years, has come to command a congregation of 60 to 80 persons during the weekly service and has registered 3g marriages in the last two years and a half. (1906)
The history of the Samaj is the life history of Mr. Raghu­nathaya, of which the exigencies of space do not permit description.

Directory of Samajes - Madras - 4

Guntur.       Estd. 20th April 1898.
The Prarthana Samaj, Guntur (Madras ).
Secretary—Mr. R. Venkat Shivadu, B. A., L. T.
Members—12 ( One of these is Anuithanic ).
Sympathisers 5 (Including Ur. Venkata Krishnaya Naidu Garu, Professor and the Snpdt. of Post Offices.,
Meetings—Generally once a week in Telugu and occasionally is English held in a room lent for the purpose.
Lay Preachers—1 Mr. V. Lakshhmniarayana and 2 Mr. K. S. Sastri of Ellore. (The former is the Minister of the Samaj.)
This is a Students’ Samaj so to speak. The elderly mem­bers have not taken any notice worth the name. The ex­emplary life of its minister Mr. V. Lakshminarayana is a charm that attracts men to the cause. More practical workers are needed to spread and improve the cause of Brahma Samaj here. Mr. H. C. Sarkar and Mr. V. B. Shinde have visited this place. It may be said in passing that Guntur is a centre of Social Reform in the Presidency.

Madras.       Estd. on the 20th March 1864.
Southern India Brahma Samaj, 97, Anna Pillai Street, Georgetown Madras.
Secretary:—Mr. H. Balakrisna Rao, B. A., B. L:
Members:—Anusthanic Brahmas 8.
Non-anusthanics 45.
Sympathisers 75.
Meetings:—Sunday Evening Service in English, Tamil or Telugu.
Saturday evening.—Bhajan.
Ladies gathering On the last Saturday of every month when service with the lecture is conducted in Tamil and Telugu by Sreemati Alarmalu Mangamma Garu, Sreemati Manibyammal Averghal and others.
Mandir:—There is a fine pukka building with a spacious hall on the second floor, 'where the weekly services are conducted. On special occasions when the audience is unusually large the hall on the ground floor ia made use of.
Ministers:—Messrs. M. A. Jayaram Pillai, Swami Vidyananda, B. A., Swami Brahmananda, H. Balakrishna Ban B. A., B. L., S. Somasundaran Pillai, B. A., B. L.

Anniversary:—is celebrated in the month of “Magh” about the 23rd or 24th of January, when a full week is devoted for the celebration comprising of several items.
Journal:—‘‘The Theist” a monthly journal for the Propogation of liberal religion in English with Tamil,
Telugu and Malayalam supplements.
Several Tracts in Engliah, Tamil, Telugn and Malayalam are printed and distributed to the public free.
Institutions:—(1) Brahma Ragged School for poor children strength - 176 boys.
(2) Raja Ram Mohan Roy Night School for the working classes - 30 men.
(3) Maharaja Gajapatirow Night School for the working classes at Purushawakam—35 men.
(4)  Brahma Orphan Asylam Press for printing and publish­ing theistic literature at cheap rates, established in 1888-
(5)  Brahma Postal Mission for the spread of Brahma tracts.

Mangalore.    (South Canara Dt.) Estd. 11th June 1870.                                                           
The Mangalore Brahma Samaj, Mangalore (South Canara).
Secretary:--Mr. K.RangaRao,Mr. Babu, B.A., Asst. Secretary.
Members— 58  men
24 women  =   101 Of this number 69 are anusthaniez.
19  children
Sympathisers:-- The number of sympathisers in a large con­gregation like this is rather difficult to ascertain.
Meetings.—52-weekly devotional Meetings in a year and 5 other devotional Meetings exclusive of those held during the anniversary  celebrations. Usually Ganarese is the Language in which the proceedings of the Meetings take place.
Mandir—There is a Mandir consecreted on the 25th May 1884. But the necessity of having a larger building is felt at every Congregational Service. A resolution wad passed in 1908 for erecting a new building and a subscrip­tion list was opened. About Rs. 1,700 have been subscribed as yet while the estimated cost is about Rs. 6,000-
Lay Preachers— (1)  Ullal Raghunathaya,
(2)  Kudmul Bang Rao,
(3)  M. Venkatappa, B. A.
(4)  M. Babu, B. A.
(5)  N. Anand Rao, B. A.
Organs—No journal is conducted by the Samaj. But Mr M. Babu, B. A., edits a manuscript monthly journal in Kanarese fcr the use of the ladies of the Samaj; and Mr. Venkatappa, B. A., and Mr. Lakshman, B. A., edited for some time a manuscript monthly journal in English for the use of the Sangat.—The Kanarese Monthly is called
*    The Brahmica Bodhini ’ and the English Monthly was called ‘TheTheistic Mirror.’