"Chirala. (Guntoor Dt.) Estd. 1903.
Prarthana Samaj, Chirala ( Guntoor Dt.).
Secretory—Mr. Tumma Venkata Subbaiya.
Members —10 ( All non-anusthanic ).
Meetings—Divine service once a week in Telugn.
Maodir—No Mandir. Some money has been collected for » Mandir. The Rajah of Pithapuram has given a donation of Rs. 200 for the pnrchase of a house.
Lay Preacher—Mr. P. Seetharamaya, a worker of the S. B.
Samaj, Calcutta.
Subcription—No fixed rale.
Institutions—(1) Parity Association.
(2) Charity fand.
Coconada. (Godavari Dt.) Estd. 1904.
The Prarthana Samaj, Coconada ( Godavari Dt.)
Secretary—Mr. V. P. Pedamb Raj, Superintendent, Pittapnr Rajah's Orphanage B.A., Cocanada.
Members—14, of whom six are Anusthanic.
Meetings—Once a week in English,
Subcription—Minimum two annas a month.
Mandir—No Mandir. Service is conducted in the old Thana (place) of the Rajah of Pithapuram. The Rajah has sanctioned Rs. 8,000 for a Mandir which will be built as soon as a suitable site is found.
Institutions—(1) Young Men’s Prayer Meeting, meeting every Friday regularly. (2) Ram Mohan Rai Night School, with two paid teachers.
History—This Samaj which has been in existence for several years ceased to be regular In its work : so much so that it had to be revived by Mr. Kottaya Naidu after bis advent to this town. He infused a new spirit into the embers and got the Samaj revived on the 9th January 1904- Hver since it is holding its meetings regularly every Sunday in the evening. The Samaj has no lucal habitation of its own and feels the peed of it. Mr. Venkata Ratnam Naidu ex- president of the Theistic Conference generally conducts services. Ha is a oentre of attraction. The signs at present are encouraging enough.
Coimbatore. Estd. 1880.
The Brahma Samaj, Coimbatore ( Madras ).
Secretary—Mr. S. P. Narasihmlu Naidu, Coimbatore,
Mandir—There is a Mandir opened on 14th October 1897 where at present no services are held.
Organ—The Coimbatore Orescent, an Anglo-Tamil fortnightly under the editorship, of Mr. S. P. Narasihumlu Naidu— Subcriptlon Rs. 21-per annum.
This Samaj which was once a very prospevous body and a oentre of activities which radiated in the district around is now in a moribund condition.
Cuddalore. Estd. 10th September 1905.
The Cuddalore Theistic Society, 100, Bodichetty Street, Tirupapuliyar, Cuddalore ( Madras ).
Secretary—Mr. C. S. Rangasami Naidu, Reader, District Court, Cuddalore. Members—12.
Meetings—Once a week either in English, Tamil or Telugu.
Mandir—None. The Necessity is felt bat no serious attempt has yet been made.
Ellore Prarthana Samaj.
Secretary—Mr. V. Krishna Marti.
Mandlr—Noue. Serives held in a School.
Epurlpallem. ( Guntur Dt.) Estd. 1905.
Prarthana Samaj, Epuripallem, Chirala P. O.,
( Guntur Dt.).
Secretary—Mr. Aknrati Sreramalu (Chirala Post) Epuriallem ( Guntur Dt ) Members—12 ( Non-anusthanio ).
Meetlngs—Onoe a week in Telugu.
Lay Preacher—Mr. P. Seetharamaya, worker of the S. B.
Samaj, Calcutta ; Chirala P. 0.
Mandir—The Samaj has a house of its own.
Institutions—A Night School for grown up working people.