Khasi Hills —continued.
(2) Disong, Established 13th October 1889.
  Disong  Brahma  Samaj, Shella, Laitkynsew P.O

Secretary:—U. Jogidhan Roy do.  do.  do.
Members:—28. 15 men    
4 Women.  Anusthanic.
9 children.

Meetings:—Three meetings every week In tha Khasi language.
Mandir:—There is a Mandir rebuilt and oonaeoreted in 1910.
Ministers:— 1. U. Jogidhan Roy Wadadar.
2. U. Seva Hari.    Lay Ministers.
3. U. Mahea.    
4. U. Borkiflon.
(3) Laitkynsew.
A Mission centre has been settled to be opened immediately here under the charge of Mission Worker Babu Sutjamani Roy who has been Working in the neighbouring villages, and will start a Brahma Samaj at Laitkynsew where there are sevaeal Brahmas.  A house has been already secured for the purpose .
(1)    Mawkhar.—    Estd. 1886.
Mawkhar Brahma Samaj, Shillong P. O. Secretary:—Babu Navagopal Dutt, Shillong.
Khasi Hills —continued.
Members:—Some Bengali Brahmas, several Khasi Brahmas and several Sympathisers.
meeting:—Once a week in the Khashi language.
Mandir:—There is a Mandir rebnilt after the earthquake.
Lay Minlaters:— Babu Navagopal Dutt and others.
Subscriptions:—About Rs. 3 totally every month.
Institution:—One Night Sohool for adults in which Bengali and English are taught.
5. Mawkislem.—(Cherrapoonjee P. O. ) Estd. 1906
There are 3 Brahmas in the villages  and prayer meetings are  held every Sunday evening conducted by Some one Mission Workers.
6. Mawlong.    Estd. 1907.
Mawlong Brahma  Samaj.
Secretary:-- U Shalan Brahma.

Mawlong Brahma Samaj; Bholaganj P.O. (Sylhet) or.
C/o Brahma Misson, Cherrapoonjee. 
Women—6      Anusthanic.

Sympathisers:- 5
Khasl Hills —continued.
meeting:—4 meetings in a week regularly.
Besides there are other extra meetings.

Mandir:—A thatched house consecrated in 1910.

Ministers:—1 Surjamani Roy, Mission Worker.
2 U Oli.
3 U Bamei      Lay Ministers.
4 U Romu
Subscriptions:—One pice a -week.

(7) Mawsmai.—Cherrapoonjee P. O. Estd. 1889. Mawsmai Brahma Samaj, Mawsmai.

Secretary:—U. Borma,    do.    do.

Members:-8 Anusthanics
4 men
4 women  
3 children
Meetings:—Weekly divine serviee held in the Khasi language.
Mandir:—Old Mandir demolished by earth-quake; new hoaie out of repairs.
Minister:—Rotini Kanta Roy, Mission Worker.