Noakhali.   Estd. 1867.
(I) The Noakhali Sadharan Brahma Samaj, Noakhali.            
Secretary—Babu Radha Kant Aich, B. A., B. L.
11 men , 9 women , 9 children = of this one family of 6 persons is Anusthanic.
Sympathisers—4.   of thos Membars—29
Meetings —Once a week on Sunday evenings, service in Bengali.
Mandir—The old kucha house lasting from 1283 B. S. to 1289 B. S. has been replaced by a pucca Mandir, the date of its consecration being 21 st Bhadra 1293 B. S.
Funds—No permanent funds nor is there any rule for subscrptions.

(2)  The Noakhali New Dispensation Church, Noakhali.
Secretary—Babu Rajani Kanta Chakravati.
 9 Anusthanic. + 7 Non-anusthanic. = Members 16
Meetings—Weekly divine service takes place" in the Church every Sunday evening and daily prayers take place in several families: All in Bengali.
Mandir—There is at present a thatched house. The congre­gation feels the need of a pucca Mandir.
Institutions. —(1 ) Mural Training Glass for children.
( 2 ) Brahmica, Samaj.
Nowgong.    Estd. 1869.
The Nowgong Brahma Samaj, Nowgong (Assam).

Members— 6   out of these three are Anusthanic.

Meetings—Once a week in Bengali.

Pabna.    Estd. 1857.
The Pabna Brahma Samaj, Pabna (Bengal).
Secretary:—Babu Kalidas Chandra Bagchi, Pabna (Bengal).
Members: —10. Of these two only are Anusthanic.
Meetings:—Occasionally meetings are held.
Mandir:—The Samaj has a Mandir cousccratcd in the year 1884.

Perojpur.    Estd. 1878.
Perojpur Brahma Samaj, Perojpur, (Bengal).

Pirpur.    Estd. 1897.
The Pirpur Brahma Samaj. Pirpur, Uluaria P.O., (Bengal).
Secretary:—Dr. Akkari Sinha Rai.
Meetings:—Divine Service on Sundays in Bengali.
Institutions:—1    A School for Brahma boys.
2 A Girls’ School. ,  3    The Brahma pally.
No Mandir yet.

Purniah.    Estd. 1878.
The Purniah Brahma Samaj, Purniah (Bengal).
Secretary:—Mr. Hazarilal, Purniah.  
Members:—94. Of these only 10 are Anusthanio.
Meetings:—Divine service once a week in Bengali.
Mandir:—No Mandir. Meetings and services are held alterately in two families.
Institution:—A Girls’ School under the superintendence of Mrs. Trayalokya Nath Das.

Rampurhat.    Estd. 1878.
 Rampurhat Brahma Samaj, Rampurhat (Bengal).
Secretary:—Babu Purna Chandra Das, Rampurhat.
Members:—7 0f this number only one is Anusthanic.
Meetlngs:—Service once a week in Bengali,
Mandir:—A Mandir, consecrated on 6th Chaitra 1799 (Sakabda about March 1878 A. D., exists.
Institutions:—Night School, Girls’ School, and Charity Sec­tion—All these three are now abolished for want of funds.
Celebrations.—Maghostav is observed. The Anniversay of the Samaj is celebrated on Dole Paurnima day; singing of Hymns conducting divine service, religious discourses, lectures, procession in streets, distribution of alms to the de­serving poor are the general items of the proceedings of the Vtsav.

Ranchi.    Estd. 1868.
The Ranchi Brahma Samaj, Ranchi (Chota Nagpur).
Secretary:—Babu Jay Kali Dutt, M.A., B.L., Pleader, Ranchi. 9 men of whom 8 are  Anusthanic.
Members:--33.  = 8  women, 9 men , 16 childern
whom 8 are Anusthanic & 7 are Anusthanic
Meetings—Divine service is held once a week on Sunday evenings. Also occasional afternoon conversational meetings in Bengali and sometimes in Hindi.
Mandir—There is a Mandir consecrated probably in 1868.
Funds—No permanent Mission fund nor is there any fixed rate of subscription.
Institutions—(1) The Samaj had a charity institution which has been discontinued since 1904.
(2) It had a Girla’ School up to Primary Stand­ard in Bengli which has been amalgamated with the Bengali Girls’ School and the combined School is now managed by a Committee out­side the Samaj.
Minister— N. Chakravarti, Ranchi.
Misc:—The Samaj has been affiliated to the Sadharan Brahma, Samaj Calcutta. No trust deed has yet been executed nor trustees appointed for the Samaj.

Rangoon.   Burma.—Estd. February 3rd, 1902.  The Rangoon Brahma Samaj.
Secretary:—Babu Prasanna Kumar Mazumdar.
Members—30, including Bengalis, Madrasees and Punjabees (this number           includes the ladies of Anusthanic members ).—
Meetings:—Divine service in Bengali and Tamil is held alternately on Sunday evenings. Last Sunday of every month is set apart for English Service.—
Mandir—The Samaj has no Mandir. Prayer meetings are being convened in M. N, Sivaya’s Bungalow—
Library:—The Samaj has a small Library eonsiting of few English and Bengali Books—Some of the members subscribe. “ The Indian Messenger ” “ The world and new Dispensation;” The Modern Review,” “ Tatwa- bodhini Patrika,” “ Tatwakamudi and Dharma Tatwa ”— are received.
Annivesary:—The Mogotsav is celebrated annually.
History:The 1st Brahmo Samaj was established in Rangoon, some 25 years ago by the united efforts some Bengali and Madrasi gentlemen. It had only a spasmodic existence. 

Rangpore.    Estd. 1878.

The New Dispensation Brahma Samaj, Rangpore ( Bengal ).
Secretary—Babu Kanti Mani Dutta. Bangpur.
Meetings— Service once a week in Bengali. Other meetings occasionally.
Mandir:—There is a pucca Mandir consecrated in 1884.
Misc.—The Samaj occasionally holds meetings of the Band of Hope,' an association of boys connected with the temperance movement and for the advancement of moral culture in general.