Masullpatam. Krishna Dist. Estd. 19th Feb. 1882.
The Brahma Samaj, Masulipatam.
Secretary—Mr. Vemuri Ramakrishna Rao, B.A., L.T., Masulipatam.
Members—19. Of this only one is anusthanic.
Meetings—Once a week on Sunday evening divine service is held usually in Telugu and occasionally in English.
Mandir—The Samaj has a Mandir and a Mission House with a large compound.
Llay Preachers—(1) D. Ramamoorti, B. A.
(2) V. Ramakrishna Rao, B. A., L.T.
Funds—Mandir funds amounts to about Rs. 285. Subscription is not fixed.
Miscellaneous—Mr. B.C. Pal, Rev. H. C. Sarkar have visited the samaj. A widow marriage was celebrated under the auspices of the samaj in 1902. Mr. R. Venkata Ratnam Naidu, M.A..L.T, is greatly interested in the Samaj and its work. And Mr. Ramakrishna Rao as a true disciple of Mr. Naidu has taken up the work of the Samaj which Mr. Naidu did.
Narsapur. (Krisna Dt.) Estd. 1st June 1906
Narsapur Prayer Union, Narsapur (Krisna Dt).
Secretary—Mr. R. Venkat Ramayya, B. A. and B. Punekaswar Rao, Proprietor of Gardi Zamindari, Narsapur.
Members—14 (none anusthanic).
Meetings—Once a week for divine service. But many times informally all the members meet to talk on and discusa Theism. Generally all meetings are conducted in Telugu, occasionally in English.
Mandir—No aeperate building of its own. But a philanthropic gentleman by name Mr. Neelakantha Mudaliyar, B.A., a leading Vakil of the place who ia not a member of the samaj, has placed at the disposal of the Union one of his school buildings with the furniture thereof. So no urgent need for a separate building is now felt.
Lay Preachers—Mr .R. Venkata Ramaya Pantulu, B. A., Pleader.
The Union has published a pamphlet named “ Sree Ram Mohan Kathamala-” The death anniversary of Raja Ram Mohan is observed by the Union.
Narasaraopet. Dt. Guntur. Estd. 15th May, 1904.
The Narasaraopet Prarthana Samaj, Narasaraopet (Guntur Dt.) S. M. Ry.
Secretary—Mr. D. Lakshmam Singh Dads, Narasaraopet (Guntur Dt.). flembers—19.
Meeting —Once a week devotional meeting in Telugu.
Mandir—No Mandir. Its want is keenly felt. Meetings are held in a house lent temporarily for the use of the Samaj.
Raja Ram Mohan's Roy death annifersasy is observed by the Samaj. The Samaj is associated with the Sadharan Brahma Samaj, Calcutta. Babu Hem Chandra Sarkar, M. A-, visited this place in 1905.
Nellore. Estd. ist Jan. 1905.
The Prarthana Samaj, Nellore (Madras Ry.).
Secretary—Mr. Validanda Srinivas Rao, Typist, Revenue Settlement Office, Nellore.
members—10 (all non-anusthanic),
Meeting—(1) Ordinarily once a week on Sunday prayer meeting is held in Telugu.
(2) Armstrong’s God and Soul, is taught by the President on oertain other days,
Mandlr—None. The meeting is held in the house of the President.
President—Mr. J. V. Narayna Naidu,;B. A.,L.T., Laud Reoords Tahsildar, Nellore.
Parlakimedi, Ganjam Dt. std. 1895.
The Parlakimedi Prarthana Samaj, Paralakimedi.
Secretary—Mr. Jagannath Swami, B.A., L.T, Teacher, Raja’s College, Paralakimedi.
Sympathisers -10.
Meetings—Once, weekly divine service on Sunday evening in either English or Telugu.
Mandir—No separate place. A plot of land has been purchased long since bat no serious attempt has yet been made to erect a building by collecting subscriptions.
Funds—No fixed rnle for subscription. There is a building fund of about Rs. 125.
Institutions—(1) A free night-school with about 70 pupils.
(2) A Theistic Library of about 500 volumes.
History—A band of enthusiastic young men headed by Mr. P. V. Krishna Rao, now pleader, Parlakimedi, started this movement as far back as 1895. The Samaj received the patronage of tho Second Prince—Sri Padmanabha Narayan Dev—who over and above his voluntary donation took an interest in the progress of the Samaj and encouraged its members in more ways than one. For about ten years its progress and Work went on uninterrupted. Many a distinguished Brahma visited this place and lectured under its auspices daring this period. Sj. Bepin Chander Pal, Babns Umesh Chander Dutt, Chandi Charan Sen, Hem Chandra Sarkar and Mr. V. R. Shinde all found in Parlakimedi a rising Samaj with best possible materials and scope for improvement. It is during this time that Mr. P. V. Krishna Rao threw off his Sacred Thread ( Yajnopavi- tam) and boldly defied the attacks of orthodoxy. It is to Mr. P. V. Krishna Rao that many a young man owes his spiritual training. But the state of things has however, changed. Mr. Krishna Rao’s becoming a pleader followed by his cold in- difierenoe towards the Samaj has undone what was done dur-ing twelve years. He not only ceased to assist the Samaj and its work but personally lowered himself in the estimation of the Brahma Samaj by patting on his thread (Yajnopavitam) and performing his father’s Pretakriya (fnneral-ceremony) according to quite orthodox rites. This was more than the Samaj could bear. A band of young men, thereupon, let Mr. Krishna Rao alone, as it were, and pushed on the work of the Samaj. Bat Ur. Krishna Rao’s influence was a thing they could not combat with. One late Mr. Agadhu was perhaps the most virulent of the protestant party. His enthusiasm and activity will, so long as the Prarthana Samaj movement exists here, be ever remembered. Since 1904 there was a complete lull. Mr. Krishna Rao’s cessation, Mr. Yenkatasivudu's transfer to Vizianagaram, and Mr. Kanakachalam’s indifference helped towards the closure of the Samaj for about 5 years.
Now the Samaj in 1909 is being revived by Mr. P. Jaganadhaswamy, B.A., and it is hoped that ere long Parla- kimedi Samaj will regain its former activity and usefulness.