4. I will daily direct my mind in prayer with devotion and love unto the Supreme Being.
5. I will endeavour strictly to adhere to the duties and virtues of humanity, justice, veracity, temperance, and chastity.
6. Believing as I do in the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man, I will discard all sectarian views and animosities, and never allow any encouragement to them.
7. Should I through weakness commit sin, I will endeavour to be atoned unto God by earnest repentance and reformation.
8. I shall observe tbe religious ceremonies now in use but only in cases where they are indispenable, as in marriages and funerals ; I shall, however, go through them as if they were matters of routine, destitute of all religious significance as the lifeless remains of a superstition which has passed away. This sacrifice and this only shall I make to existing prejudices; but I shall never endeavour to deceive any one as to my religious opinions and never stoop to equivocation or hypocrisy, in order to avoid unpopularity.
9. I shall never hold, nor attend nor pay for nautches, or otherwise hold out encouragement for prostitution.
10. I shall encourage and promote to the best of my power the remarriage of widows, and discourage early marriages.
11. I shall never be guilty of bigamy or poligamy.
12. I shall advance the cause of general and female edacation and enlightenment, and particularly in my own' family circle.
This day, being the day of the month of I by the grace of God, do hereby declare my faith in Theism, and in witness thereof, I set my hand to these covenants of my own free will and consent. So help me God.
This has been the state of affairs till the beginning of this year. There have been no anusthanic members who have boldly given up caste and Idolatry. Recently however, some have turned anusthanic and have become practical Brahmas. .A t present, including our Minister R. B. Vireshalingam who has also become anusthanic there are five members in our Samaj who are practical Brahmas. To meet new cases the old rather long covenant has been modified, and we have now two classes of members, the Active or Anusthanic members and the Associate or non-anusthanic members.
Tekkali Prarthana Samaj.
Secretary.—Mr. K. Narasivayam.
Divine service conducted in aprivfte house.
Telichary (Malabar). Estd. 14th Jan. 1909.
Telechary Brahma Samaj, Teilchary, Malabar.
Secretary—A. K. Kelu, Esq., B. A., Teacher, High School, Telichary.
Meetings—Every Sunday in the upper storey of a shop.
Divine Service is held in Malayalam.
Members—3 initiated members and 15 Sympathisers.
History—Mr. V. R, Shinde of Bombay on his way back from the All-India Theistic Conference held at Madras’ in December 1908 visited this place in January 1910, and founded this Samaj by initiating two new members viz. Mr. A. K. Kelu and Mr. T. C. Kumaran on the 14th of January 1910. Since May 1910, a new awakening is being felt and prayer meetings are held in private houses. On the 8th of October, 1910 was performed, the ceremony of opening a Mandir in the upper storey of a shop very near the house of Mr. A. K. Kelu.
Tinnevlli Prarthana Samaj.
Secretary.—P. M. Kailasam Pillay, B. A.
M. N. Parushotham Naidu Garu writes :—
“There was a Samaj here but it is now extinct. I met one Mr. Jambhunatha Iyer, B. A., B. L., the only Brahma at Trichinapally and he states that unless a missionary comes and constitutes a'branch there is no hope of the Samaj reviving.
Vattamalai (Coimbatore). Estd. 5th Jan. 1884-
Vittamalia Poliam Brahma Samaj, Vattamalai Poliam (Coimbtore).
Secretary—Mr. Ablooya Naidu, Sangalipoliam.
Meetings—Once a week in Tamil or Telugu Dirine Service is held.
Mandir.—There is a Mandir consecrated on 4th Jan. 1900 A.D.
Minister—Mr. S. P. Narasimulu Naidu.